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Infection Prevention and Control: A Social Science Perspective

Edited by Paul Elliott, Edited by Julie Storr, Edited by Annette Jeanes

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An understanding of the social sciences within infection prevention and control (IPC) is important for those working in health and social care. This new book, Infection Prevention and Control: A Social Science Perspective positions the specialty of IPC as more than a technical discipline concerned with microbes. It is about people and their behaviour in context and the book therefore explores a number of relevant social sciences and their relationship to IPC across different contexts and cultures. IPC is relevant to every person who works in, and accesses health care and it remains a global challenge. Exploring novel approaches and perspectives that expand our collective horizons in an ever changing and evolving IPC landscape therefore makes sense. Key Features: Offers new perspectives beyond the topic area of infection prevention and control, to push the frontiers of knowledge and to challenge the status quo Interprofessional in nature and relevant to all those involved in the provision of medicine, health, and social care irrespective of their roles Truly international in nature in that the chapters have been developed by a range of individuals from across the globe

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Normally shipped | Enquiries only
Publisher | Taylor & Francis Ltd
Published date | 1 Jun 2023
Language |
Format | Digital (delivered electronically)
Pages | 228
Dimensions | 0 x 0 x 0mm (L x W x H)
Weight | 0g
ISBN | 978-1-0008-5813-6
Readership Age |
BISAC | medical / infectious diseases

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