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One World, Many Cultures

By (author) Stuart Hirschberg, By (author) Terry Hirschberg

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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in English Composition.   This truly global multicultural reader highlights contemporary selections by internationally acclaimed authors   The Tenth Edition of One World, Many Cultures is a global, contemporary reader whose international and multicultural selections offer a new direction for freshman composition courses. In eight thematic chapters consisting of readings by internationally recognized writers from 24 countries, the text explores cultural differences and displacement in relation to race, class, gender, region, and nation.   One World, Many Cultures also reflects the emphasis on cultural studies and argumentation that has become an integral part of many college programs. Featuring compelling and provocative writings by authors from the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America, the text’s 52 nonfiction selections--including essays and autobiographies, one short story, and the questions that follow each selection--encourage readers to perceive the relationship between a wide range of experiences in different cultures and the corresponding experiences of writers within the United States. The Tenth Edition continues to provide a rich sampling of accounts by authentic voices, with 18 new readings and an all-new chapter on the forces that shape gender roles and the experiences of those who have overcome cultural barriers.

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Normally shipped | Enquiries only
Publisher | Pearson Education (US)
Published date | 12 Jan 2017
Language |
Format | Digital download
Pages | 416
Dimensions | 0 x 0 x 0mm (L x W x H)
Weight | 0g
ISBN | 978-0-1344-3226-7
Readership Age |
BISAC | language arts & disciplines / study & teaching

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